My Favorite Grocery Store is Now OPEN!

Locally grown onions! Hubby
won't be kissing me tonight. 
As soon as I pulled out of the high school drop-off lane, my car instinctively headed toward the farmers' market. It officially opened for the season, which means I will have no problem consuming at least five servings a day of fruits and veggies from now until October. It also means Hubby will have to fire up the grill, because I just bought a bouquet of Vidalia onions. For supper, I think we'll have slices of grilled onion stacked with grilled portobello mushroom caps. I can practically smell it already.

Strawberry season makes
breakfast my favorite meal.
In addition to the onions, I also picked up a quart of strawberries. I was tempted by the sweet aroma and gorgeous color of locally grown, freshly picked berries to purchase a whole gallon. However, I had limited funds in my pocket and I knew I'd be back soon. At first, I thought the quart would get us through until Tuesday, when Hubby and I plan to walk downtown, grab some coffee and a bagel, and browse through the farmers' market together. However, I already sliced up about a third of the strawberries for my cereal about three minutes after I returned home. I suppose if we have to, we can borrow some from Ma. She plans to pick up a few buckets of strawberries to make jam.

One of the vendors sells plants. Last year, we bought two blueberry bushes from him. Blueberry Guy, as I like to call him, gave us specific instructions on how and where to plant the bushes as well as how to care for them. The bushes are thriving. I once asked someone in a mega-superstore how to care for the raspberry bush I picked up on sale. She told me to follow her. I did...all the way to her register, where she checked me out and pointed out the label with a picture of a giant sun. I bought the bush and planted it based on the picture on the label. Over the next few weeks, it withered and died. I stopped buying plants and bushes at mega-superstores.

These babies are going in
my urban garden. 
But Blueberry Guy has an excellent selection of herb and vegetable plants ready for urban gardens. And since my blueberry bushes are doing so well and I happen to be a novice urban gardener, I decided to browse his selections. While all of my perennial herbs are up and doing extremely well, I realized I was in need of some annual herbs. The realization hit me when I saw he was only charging $2 for his herb plants. The plants were not only less expensive, but much fuller, greener, and healthier than anything I've seen in the mega-superstores. I left Blueberry Guy's booth with French tarragon, summer savory, and a strong motivation to spend a couple of hours in my garden.

Micki Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & writer is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's books. 

Email: mickibare (at)
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