The Beauty in the Winter Beast

A humble, pure peace descends upon the soul that sits quietly surrounded by the brilliance of falling snow. Before giving up on the cold, harsh winter, here's a brief look back at some of the beauty Jack Frost bestowed upon us in 2014.

Winter Storm Pax in central NC | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Winter Storm Pax showered beautiful snow upon us.
February Storm 2014 | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
The storm looked ominous at times. 
Snow Birds | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
A female cardinal took refuge on our dogwood.
Welcome Sunshine | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
We were so happy when the sun finally broke through.
Carolina Blue Skies | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Brilliant blue North Carolina skies. 
Snow Leaf | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
A lone leaf dropped onto a bed of snow.
White Valentine | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Dicey roads and a blanket of snow made
our white Valentine's Day a bit of a challenge.
Snow Bath | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Our statue was snug as a bug in a snow drift. 
Holly Berries | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
A few berries left for the snow birds.
Spring Flowers | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
As the snow melted, our spring bulbs pushed
out of the ground and screamed to the world,
"It is nearly time for spring!"
Micki Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & writer is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's books. 
Email: mickibare (at)
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