Bicycle Migration Study

Bicycle Migration | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Bikes are everywhere during the summer.
Summer brings out more than mosquitos and butterflies. This year, for example, I've noticed a lot of bicycles. They have been so prevalent this season, that I decided to conduct an informal observational study on summer bicycles. My independent, unfunded, non-scientific, completely ridiculous "study" was an attempt to discover why I was suddenly noticing bicycles everywhere. 

Bikes on Cars | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Bicycles can be found hitching rides
on top of vehicles, too!
Most would dismiss it as a phenomenon of warmer weather. However, I felt as if there was more to it than a lack of snow and ice. 

My hypothesis was simple. Bicycles migrate during the warmer months. But I needed to know where they were headed to prove they were on the move. 

Bike Species on Truck | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
This truck was loaded down with several
different species of bicycles.
During my initial observations, I discovered many different species of bicycles attached to various vehicles. I noted that bicycles travel not only on their own two wheels, but also by leaching onto a host, such as a car, truck, or sport utility vehicle.

But again, what was their intended destination? My answer breezed past me, kicking a bit of sand into my face, while I sat lounging at the beach. Of course! It was so simple. It made perfect sense. Bicycles migrate to the ocean during the summer months. They are drawn to the feeling of sand in their tread. I was able to document, via photos, many examples of bicycles enjoying the warm sand and coastal breezes.
Bicycles on Beaches | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Bicycles that already made their
way to the coastal regions.

While my study might be lacking in credibility, if my bicycles ever going missing, you can bet I'll be headed to the beach to look for them.

Bikes Travel in Pairs | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Another note on bicycles: They typically
travel in pairs or groups. 

Micki Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & writer is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's books. 
Email: mickibare (at)
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