Everyone is Famous in Southport

In Southport, NC, anyone can be famous. I'm not referring to the possibility of landing an "extra" part in a Nicholas Sparks movie. I'm talking about the Wall of Fame at the Moore Street Market.
Moore Street Market in Southport | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
At Moore Street Market in Southport,
everyone is famous

The staff keep markers on hand for patrons who want to add their autograph to the wall. Of course, when my group arrived I immediately asked, "Where are the famous signatures?"

The barista pointed to the Wall of Fame and stated plainly, "At our coffee shop, everyone is famous." She then explained that we were welcome to personalize the wall with our own words of wisdom and signatures.
Wall of Fame in Southport | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
The Wall of Fame at Moore Street Market
While perusing the wall, I noticed a few notables among the scribes. My favorite was left by songwriter Louisa Branscomb, who was so inspired by Southport that she wrote lyrics on the Wall of Fame. Southport is certainly an inspiring place to spend time.
Songwriter Louisa Branscomb | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Beautiful lyrics inspired by Southport
There were several famous actors who passed through Southport, stopped for coffee and penned their mark on the wall, as well. 
Zooey Dechanel | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Zooey Deschanel was served by Emily
at the Moore Street Market
Josh Duhamel | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Josh Duhamel commented on
the caffeine content of the
Americano coffee
Imagine putting a pen to the same wall as these notables as well as the amazing characters who visit Moore Street Market, whether passing through or regularly because they are local. This was an opportunity I could not pass up. 
Micki Bare autograph | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
The blue really pops, doesn't it?
Someday, as I walk the streets of Southport with a grandchild grasping my hand, we will stop for coffee and ice cream. He or she will look at the wall and eventually find Grandma's signature. Maybe he or she will even ask, "Are YOU famous Grandma?"

My answer will be, "Sweetheart, in this place, everyone is famous. Even you!"

Micki Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & writer is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's books. 
Email: mickibare (at) gmail.com
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Copyright 2015 Michele Bare 
