It was no big surprise to those who know me that I turned to adhesive squares of paper to get me through my first leading role in community theater. I highly recommend the use of sticky notes during a production. The gaff tape may fail rendering the beaded doorway unstable, the screws holding the power strip may come loose causing a big stir, but the sticky notes stay in place night after night.
Here are my important notes for RSVP Community Theatre's production of Neil Simon's The Prisoner of Second Avenue--the thin little slips of paper that enabled me to bring Mrs. Edna Edison to life:
This one resides in my suitcase so I remember where my costumes and props need to be placed before each performance. |
This backstage note helps prompts me when to make some noise and then when to walk back out on stage in the one scene during which I get a little break. |
After two rehearsals during which I performed entire scenes without wearing Edna's glasses, I had to add this sticky note to the mirror backstage. |
Coming next in the last of my glimpses, I will share important community theater tricks I learned during my tenure as Edna.
Check out Asheboro's community theater group, RSVP, online at Interact with RSVP cast & crew on Facebook, too!
Micki Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & writer is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's books.
Email: mickibare (at)
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