A Glimpse into Community Theater ACT II

I'm not sure how productive I'd be if I couldn't write a note and then adhere it to something. When I was an administrator, I had notes stuck to walls, my desk and along the screen of my computer. Electronic sticky notes did not reduce the number of the 3D paper kind I produced, however, they did crowd the space of my computer desktop. When I transitioned into editing and writing for an advertising agency, the sticky notes multiplied on and around my computer and then infested my notebooks, as well. Now that I'm home, notes adorn the walls in my kitchen, bedroom and master bath. When I open my pocketbook in search of my keys, sticky notes rain onto the floor.

It was no big surprise to those who know me that I turned to adhesive squares of paper to get me through my first leading role in community theater. I highly recommend the use of sticky notes during a production. The gaff tape may fail rendering the beaded doorway unstable, the screws holding the power strip may come loose causing a big stir, but the sticky notes stay in place night after night.

Here are my important notes for RSVP Community Theatre's production of Neil Simon's The Prisoner of Second Avenue--the thin little slips of paper that enabled me to bring Mrs. Edna Edison to life:

This one resides in my suitcase so I
remember where my costumes and props
need to be placed before each performance.

This note is actually on the set to remind
me to place the coffee service in the proper
place during the play. If I put it on the table
instead of the bar, as I did in rehearsal, it
throws the whole scene and everyone in it
completely off! 
This backstage note helps prompts me
when to make some noise and then when to
walk back out on stage in the one scene
during which I get a little break.

After two rehearsals during which I performed
entire scenes without wearing Edna's glasses,
I had to add this sticky note to the mirror backstage. 

Coming next in the last of my glimpses, I will share important community theater tricks I learned during my tenure as Edna.

Check out Asheboro's community theater group, RSVP, online at RSVPtheatre.org. Interact with RSVP cast & crew on Facebook, too!

Micki Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & writer is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's books. 

Email: mickibare (at) gmail.com
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