Memory Lane

When we emptied the contents of the attic of our old house recently, we piled it all in our dining room. We couldn't simply transfer everything to our current attic. The boxes and bags were old and falling apart. But, more importantly, our current attic was already full. So, my plan was to spend one day going through everything and getting rid of as much as possible.

Ever since, I've been chipping away at the boxes and bags for several hours a day. Clearly, it was not a one-day job as my imagination initially assumed. I've filled quite a few trash bags. I've built tall towers of recyclable debris. I've also created an immense donation pile. Meanwhile, our house is not suitable for guests and won't be for at least another week or so. Although, my boys still have his friends over. They just explain away the chaos as their mother's attempt to break into reality television via a hoarding show.

Meanwhile, I've been basking in the memories of what I have to admit has been a pretty great life so far. The most exciting find during my excavation has been the box from my childhood. It was a box I thought was long gone. It contained everything from my favorite baby doll to my college graduation gown. It was not a huge box, but it sure brought back some great memories.

My old penpal Navigating Hectivity
I had completely forgotten that I had a pen pal
when I was in elementary school. I believe it was
a school project. My pen pal lived in Africa. 

My favorite baby doll Navigating Hectivity
My dad threw my favorite baby doll out
several times. My mom always rescued her.
I'd like to introduce you to Angel.

The Littles books Navigating Hectivity
This was my first favorite book series!
Thank you John Peterson for helping me 

fall in love with reading...and writing!
Micki Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & writer is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's books. 

Email: mickibare (at)
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