What happened to Fall

What happened to Fall is not a question. Rather, I believe I know exactly what happened to Fall.
What happened to fall | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Holding on to Fall with our windsock.

And my theory has nothing to do with global warming or the environmental impact of humans.

Have you ever heard of self-fulfilling prophecies? Or speaking things into existence?

The Universe is listening, my friends. Just like Alexa and Google, it sees and hears all.

Therefore, when you go from planning, decorating, and celebrating Halloween to planning, decorating, and celebrating Christmas, you've glossed right over Thanksgiving. And Fall.

Don't blame the retailers. They stock shelves and dress windows based on consumer demand. I know because I took an economics course in college. We've been demanding Christmas whilst still handing out candy to goblins and superheroes. 

If we demanded Fall and Thanksgiving decorations and made a big deal about celebrating gratitude and thankfulness, we'd still be wearing light jackets and enjoying gorgeous Fall weather.

Early Frost | Navigating Hectivity by Micki Bare
Looking through my windshield on Nov. 14.
Instead, Christmas displays are in full bloom, Christmas carols are blaring from the radio, Christmas movies are streaming, and people are posting photos of their already-decorated Christmas trees. 

Meanwhile, I'm scraping ice off my windshield like it's winter—the season in which Christmas occurs. If I lived in the Northeast or Midwest, ice-scraping in the first half of November would be expected. I live in the South. We just closed our pool.

I've been doing my best to stave off winter and push Christmas to post-Thanksgiving. We are flying out thankful turkey flag and still have our autumn tree with orange and red leaves wind sock twirling. I've got pumpkin and Thanksgiving decorations adorning our home. 

I'm doing my best to hang on to Fall. To appreciate its glory. To enjoy its uniqueness.

It hasn't been easy.

I've had to keep my head down and blinders on to protect myself from early Christmas and Old-Man Winter, who have been frolicking hand-in-hand through the neighborhood like kids at a carnival. 

It's Fall. Let's embrace it. 

There's plenty of time AFTER THANKSGIVING for Christmas trees, Christmas carols, Christmas movies, Christmas lights, ice, snow, and Santa.

Let's make cornucopias and list our blessings and express appreciation and compassion for each other and all that we have.

Let's rake and jump into piles of leaves and slather pine cones with peanut butter for migrating birds.

Christmas can wait. It'll still be there when we've packed all the Thanksgiving dinner leftovers into our recycled Chinese food containers. 

Let's will Fall back into existence. 

Michele "Micki" Bare, mother of three, wife, daughter & marketing director, is the author of Thurston T. Turtle children's chapter books.
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